11:05 PMDavid Windsandshmm
11:12 PMDavid Windsandsnice mate (horse)
11:14 PMFlicksartthank you
11:32 PMCbaoth11106Hey all
11:36 PMFlicksarthey
11:36 PMDavid Windsandshey
11:37 PMDavid Windsandswe just hang out with strangers doing art
11:37 PMDavid Windsandsinteresting concept
11:37 PMDavid Windsandswhat you doing Cboath?
11:37 PMCbaoth11106Some illo ideas
11:38 PMCbaoth11106I'm in "gatchaman/BoTP" mode these days
11:38 PMCbaoth11106So I wanna do a series
11:38 PMCbaoth11106My last/first one was Jun
11:38 PMCbaoth11106Just now for the other characters
11:38 PMDavid Windsands aye mate
11:41 PMCbaoth11106I want to get the ideas down b4 they vanish
11:41 PMCbaoth11106What about U?
11:42 PMDavid Windsandsdrawing some X-mas shit
12:01 AMFlicksartits been fun. Im calling it a night
12:02 AMCbaoth11106G'night
12:02 AMCbaoth11106TC
12:07 AMPaburoVIIIHello!
12:07 AMPowerMetalHeadhey paburo
12:07 AMCbaoth11106Welcome folks
12:07 AMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
12:08 AMPowerMetalHeadbeen okay. how about you?
12:08 AMPaburoVIIII am good thanks!
12:08 AMPaburoVIIIfinishing this old project
12:08 AMPaburoVIIIwhat are you working on?
12:08 AMPowerMetalHeadyou'll probably see in a bit
12:08 AMPowerMetalHead:P
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIohh great
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIworking on an animation?
12:09 AMPowerMetalHeadyup
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIgreat
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIwhat is about?
12:10 AMPaburoVIIIa practic eor a short?
12:10 AMPowerMetalHeadpractice for a short
12:12 AMPaburoVIIIohh cool!
12:12 AMPaburoVIIIdid yo umade that haracter?
12:13 AMPowerMetalHeadno I had to use another one I found on the internet. forgot who the name was
12:13 AMPaburoVIIIohh well that is good
12:13 AMPaburoVIIIit is difficult the rigging
12:14 AMPaburoVIIIare you learning rigging too?
12:26 AMPowerMetalHeadyea I learned how to rig too and it's fucking tricky
12:26 AMPaburoVIIIyeah :OI
12:29 AMPowerMetalHeadso for the time being I'm just gonna use free rigged models found on the internet :P
12:30 AMDavid Windsands hey pab, power
12:31 AMPowerMetalHeadhey david. howz things?
12:31 AMDavid Windsands ok
12:31 AMDavid Windsandsjust doing some X-mas shit in autodesk
12:31 AMPowerMetalHeadkool
12:31 AMDavid Windsands& watching you guys
12:33 AMPaburoVIIIwhere are you from David?
12:33 AMPaburoVIIIohh that is a good practice power metal
12:41 AMDavid Windsandsi'm from ny essay
12:41 AMPaburoVIIIohh cool :)
12:55 AMCbaoth11106That's it for today
12:56 AMCbaoth11106TC folks
12:56 AMPaburoVIIIsee you
12:56 AMPaburoVIIIrest
1:31 AMPowerMetalHeadokay. cya paburo