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FlicksArt Streams Nightmare

Current Viewers: 1 | Total Views: 35
11:05 PMDavid Windsandshmm
11:12 PMDavid Windsandsnice mate (horse)
11:14 PMFlicksartthank you
11:32 PMCbaoth11106Hey all
11:36 PMFlicksarthey
11:36 PMDavid Windsandshey
11:37 PMDavid Windsandswe just hang out with strangers doing art
11:37 PMDavid Windsandsinteresting concept
11:37 PMDavid Windsandswhat you doing Cboath?
11:37 PMCbaoth11106Some illo ideas
11:38 PMCbaoth11106I'm in "gatchaman/BoTP" mode these days
11:38 PMCbaoth11106So I wanna do a series
11:38 PMCbaoth11106My last/first one was Jun
11:38 PMCbaoth11106Just now for the other characters
11:38 PMDavid Windsands aye mate
11:41 PMCbaoth11106I want to get the ideas down b4 they vanish
11:41 PMCbaoth11106What about U?
11:42 PMDavid Windsandsdrawing some X-mas shit
12:01 AMFlicksartits been fun. Im calling it a night
12:02 AMCbaoth11106G'night
12:02 AMCbaoth11106TC
12:07 AMPaburoVIIIHello!
12:07 AMPowerMetalHeadhey paburo
12:07 AMCbaoth11106Welcome folks
12:07 AMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
12:08 AMPowerMetalHeadbeen okay. how about you?
12:08 AMPaburoVIIII am good thanks!
12:08 AMPaburoVIIIfinishing this old project
12:08 AMPaburoVIIIwhat are you working on?
12:08 AMPowerMetalHeadyou'll probably see in a bit
12:08 AMPowerMetalHead:P
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIohh great
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIworking on an animation?
12:09 AMPowerMetalHeadyup
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIgreat
12:09 AMPaburoVIIIwhat is about?
12:10 AMPaburoVIIIa practic eor a short?
12:10 AMPowerMetalHeadpractice for a short
12:12 AMPaburoVIIIohh cool!
12:12 AMPaburoVIIIdid yo umade that haracter?
12:13 AMPowerMetalHeadno I had to use another one I found on the internet. forgot who the name was
12:13 AMPaburoVIIIohh well that is good
12:13 AMPaburoVIIIit is difficult the rigging
12:14 AMPaburoVIIIare you learning rigging too?
12:26 AMPowerMetalHeadyea I learned how to rig too and it's fucking tricky
12:26 AMPaburoVIIIyeah :OI
12:29 AMPowerMetalHeadso for the time being I'm just gonna use free rigged models found on the internet :P
12:30 AMDavid Windsands hey pab, power
12:31 AMPowerMetalHeadhey david. howz things?
12:31 AMDavid Windsands ok
12:31 AMDavid Windsandsjust doing some X-mas shit in autodesk
12:31 AMPowerMetalHeadkool
12:31 AMDavid Windsands& watching you guys
12:33 AMPaburoVIIIwhere are you from David?
12:33 AMPaburoVIIIohh that is a good practice power metal
12:41 AMDavid Windsandsi'm from ny essay
12:41 AMPaburoVIIIohh cool :)
12:55 AMCbaoth11106That's it for today
12:56 AMCbaoth11106TC folks
12:56 AMPaburoVIIIsee you
12:56 AMPaburoVIIIrest
1:31 AMPowerMetalHeadokay. cya paburo
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I've been drawing for as long as I can remember and take great joy from doing so. I dabble in all styles and mediums but recently have moved to digital art. My art took a back seat when I enlisted in the Navy, and I could only draw when I got a chance. What really inspired me to draw consistently, was the mobile app "Draw Something" and its successor, "Draw Something 2." Up until its name change to "Art with Friends" and its eventual dismantling, the app led me to meet some fantastic artists and push my skills to the next level. Now, most of my work is done entirely in Adobe Photoshop.


United States of America


University of Houston

Mechanical Engineer

Aug 2016 - Current

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