5:15 PMFigglewiggleooh we got paired again! hello :D
5:16 PMMathisonProjectsSweet! :D
5:16 PMMathisonProjectsHello! How are you?
5:17 PMFigglewiggleIm good! you?
5:19 PMMathisonProjectsGood good, going to be working on doing a bit of a give away today on the app I am making
5:20 PMFigglewiggleAhh cool!! :D
5:22 PMMathisonProjectsYup! ANd giving people a chance to try it out live and yell at me about ways I can improve it ^_^
5:22 PMMathisonProjectsWhat are you working on today?
5:23 PMFigglewiggleI am working on a good bye present for one of my best friends :D
5:25 PMMathisonProjectsWhere is your friend going?
5:28 PMFigglewiggleWe are graduating college this year and I will be moving away :(( its kinda sad but thats life really :3
5:30 PMMathisonProjectsOh yes it is! But moving forward is all you can do
5:40 PMFigglewiggleyes!
5:46 PMLyrykenLiedhi!!
5:46 PMFigglewiggleWelcome!
5:46 PMMathisonProjectsGreetings!
5:58 PMFigglewiggleWelcome ! :D
5:58 PMSumikkuHi!!
5:58 PMSumikkuHow are you?
5:59 PMMathisonProjectsYo!
6:01 PMMathisonProjectsWe are decent I reckon
6:01 PMMathisonProjectsyou?
6:01 PMSumikkuDoing fine!
6:02 PMLyrykenLiedhello!!
6:04 PMSumikkuHi Lyry!
7:27 PMPaburoVIIIhello
7:27 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
7:27 PMFigglewiggleWell hello there!
7:28 PMSumikkuHi pablo!
7:29 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you workig on?
7:29 PMPaburoVIIIworking
7:32 PMSumikkuI'm doing a fanart, little mermaid, you?
7:40 PMPaburoVIIIohh cool!
7:40 PMPaburoVIIII am doing a retopology of this character
7:40 PMPaburoVIIIis looking soo cool! sumikku!
7:41 PMSumikkuthank you!!
7:41 PMSumikkuoh, is it a commission?
7:41 PMPaburoVIIIyeah :)
7:56 PMPaburoVIIIwell I have to go!
7:57 PMPaburoVIIItime to rest
7:57 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon!
7:57 PMSumikkuBye!!
7:57 PMPaburoVIIIhappy streaming!
7:57 PMPaburoVIIIhave fun!
8:01 PMSumikkuI'm going too! Happy streaming!
8:24 PMMeow098woot
8:24 PMMathisonProjectsMy dude!
8:25 PMOnionFaceheeey how are yall? :)
8:25 PMOnionFaceMA MAN
8:25 PMOnionFacehehehe
8:25 PMMathisonProjectsDoing great! Just finished a major feature :)
8:25 PMOnionFaceWhat were you working on again ?:P
8:26 PMMathisonProjectsOh, working on a music application.
8:26 PMMathisonProjectsWhat are you working on?
8:26 PMMathisonProjectsAnd now working with a lemon
8:26 PMOnionFaceOw yea thats right now i remember
8:27 PMOnionFacelogical order music service then lemon offcourse :P
8:27 PMOnionFaceIm gonna continue my studies
8:27 PMMathisonProjectsThe most logical of orders
8:27 PMOnionFacenothing crazy
8:27 PMMathisonProjectsIt's more that I was building out the service before worrying about branding
8:35 PMMathisonProjects@Meow, if you'd like, I can look into activating the bot for you?
9:03 PMMeow098._. i wish wmw
9:03 PMMeow098hooked up to restream
9:13 PMMathisonProjectsAgreed. I am half tempted to make a script that will automatically fire upon detecting it
9:17 PMulghello
9:17 PMXandovalhello
10:03 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
10:03 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
10:03 PMMeow098boop
10:03 PMMeow098aight
10:04 PMPaburoVIIIgreat
10:04 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you doing meow!
10:04 PMPaburoVIIIlooks very interezting
10:04 PMPaburoVIIIinteresting
10:11 PMOnionFaceEeyy Paburo
10:24 PMPaburoVIIIhello! onion!
10:24 PMPaburoVIIIgreat drawings :)
10:31 PMOnionFaceThanks friend i appriciate it :)
10:34 PMOnionFaceIm of the bed guys enjoy the rest of your streams! <3
10:34 PMOnionFacebye bye
10:34 PMPaburoVIIIyour welcome
10:35 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see rest
10:35 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon1
10:35 PMMeow098o sorry
10:35 PMOnionFaceYea see you soon :)
10:35 PMMeow098I'm working on this wood monster
10:35 PMMeow098that looks like slenderman
10:35 PMMeow098see you onion
10:35 PMOnionFacebye :)
10:55 PMPaburoVIIIohh soo cool!
10:55 PMPaburoVIIIan origial character of yours?
10:58 PMPaburoVIIII have to go
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon1
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIkeep the good work!
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIand happy steeaming!
10:58 PMPaburoVIII:)
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIhave fun1
10:58 PMMeow098take care
10:58 PMMeow098and thanks for calling my thing cool ><
10:58 PMMeow098you do pretty awsome work so it means a lot from you
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIthanks
10:58 PMPaburoVIIII like that character :)
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon!
10:58 PMPaburoVIIIand thanks!
10:59 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon1
11:13 PMDavid Windsandshey meow