2:05 PMYuliusgi Artshallo
2:05 PMvolsonhey!
2:06 PMYuliusgi Artswhat are you working on?
2:06 PMYuliusgi Arts:D
2:07 PMYuliusgi Artsmaking comics?
2:08 PMvolsonYep! an october themed comic cover :)
2:08 PMvolsonwhat about you
2:08 PMYuliusgi Artscool..!! i'm working on commision for client
2:08 PMYuliusgi ArtsTshirt artwork
2:11 PMvolsonooh awesome!
2:42 PMrkitectGOOD morning!
2:42 PMvolsonGood morning!!
2:43 PMYuliusgi ArtsGood Morning
2:51 PMvolsongotta get ready for work, bye folks!
2:51 PMvolsonhappy arting
2:52 PMmonochrome-demonessHello :3
2:58 PMmonochrome-demonessI love hamilton
3:49 PMYuliusgi Artsdesigning home? @rkitect
3:51 PMYuliusgi Artswhat type of commercial building?
4:01 PMJames Magsambolhello!
4:01 PMYuliusgi Artshello
4:47 PMJames Magsambolhello!
4:48 PMColzackhello
5:02 PMJames Magsambolhello!
5:02 PMD_Matsudagreetings!
6:56 PMchrisweiherheya guys :)
6:57 PMJames Magsambolhello!
6:57 PMchrisweiherhow goes it ?
6:58 PMJames Magsamboldoing well, how about you?
6:58 PMchrisweiherpretty good other than i can't see my stream coming through yet for some reason
6:58 PMchrisweiherjust a picture of my giant freaking face
6:58 PMchrisweiherholy lord
6:59 PMchrisweiherthere we go, appears to be coming through now
6:59 PMchrisweiherbrb gotta feed the meter
7:02 PMJames Magsamboloh ok haha
7:06 PMchrisweiherworking from a coffee shop today in raleigh so we'll see how this goes. how's all going w/ you wall
7:06 PMchrisweiher'll
7:06 PMchrisweiherall!
7:07 PMJames Magsambolooooo cool
7:08 PMchrisweiheryeah internet is pretty slow so I'm surprised this is actually working ~
7:08 PMchrisweihersurprised @rkitect is not checking the chat though!
7:16 PMJames Magsambolyeah it's ok, it's kind of hard to keep track of multiple chats at once
7:17 PMJames Magsamboland some people just get like hyper focus
7:17 PMchrisweiheryeah i know the feeling. that's why i'm always impressed when people can do multiple things at once
7:31 PMchrisweihereither of you guys work in illustrator much?
7:37 PMJames Magsambolhello!
7:38 PMchrisweiherwhat's up Paburo!
7:38 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
7:38 PMPaburoVIIIhello! Chris!
7:38 PMPaburoVIIII am good how about you?
7:38 PMchrisweiherhappy to be working on a creative project :)
7:38 PMPaburoVIIIohh great!
7:38 PMchrisweihereven though my internets are slow. how about you?
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIthis week I will learn how to do jewelry
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIwith zbrush
7:39 PMPaburoVIIII am excited for this project
7:39 PMJames Magsambolooooo
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIHello! James!
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
7:39 PMchrisweiherthat's cool, so will these designs actually be turned into jewlery?
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIyeah!
7:40 PMPaburoVIIII will sell the final designs
7:40 PMPaburoVIII:P
7:40 PMPaburoVIIII need to earn extra cash
7:40 PMJames Magsambolooooo very cool!
7:40 PMPaburoVIIIyeah!
7:40 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you working on Chris and James?
7:41 PMPaburoVIIII didnt known you knwon after effects :)
7:41 PMchrisweiheroh rad, I'm working on wrapping up an animation as a trial video for my sales site
7:41 PMPaburoVIIIohh cool!
7:41 PMchrisweiherhaha, i can hack my way through it, i work with guys who are insanely good though which is lucky
7:41 PMPaburoVIIIheheh great!
7:43 PMPaburoVIIIgood luck with that Chris1
7:43 PMPaburoVIIIready for halloween James?
7:44 PMchrisweihercheers :)
7:50 PMJames MagsambolYeah haha
7:50 PMPaburoVIIIcool drawing :)
7:50 PMJames MagsambolI'm trying the drawtober thing
7:50 PMJames Magsambolprobably not all of them but some
7:50 PMPaburoVIIII like the lighting :3 and the details of the eyes
7:50 PMJames Magsambolthanks!
7:50 PMPaburoVIIIyour welcome
7:50 PMchrisweiheryou should post it to the discord so everyone can see your results
7:51 PMPaburoVIIIyeah!
7:51 PMJames Magsamboloh yeah! haha
7:54 PMPaburoVIIIHello! Heikevp!
7:54 PMchrisweiherhey Heikevp :)
7:54 PMchrisweiherhow's it going?
8:21 PMchrisweiherOk guys i have to run here but it was great coworking with ya'll as usual. I'll most likely be back tomorrow
8:21 PMPaburoVIIIsee you!
8:21 PMPaburoVIIIand take care
8:21 PMPaburoVIIIhave a great day!
8:21 PMJames Magsamboloh goodbye!
8:21 PMchrisweiherhave a good one!
8:21 PMPaburoVIIIthanks!
8:22 PMJames Magsambolyou too
8:22 PMPaburoVIIIhello! again Heikevp!
8:22 PMheikevphellooo :D
8:22 PMheikevpI realised I actually still want to continue drawing ahahaha :P
8:22 PMPaburoVIIIohh great!
8:22 PMPaburoVIIII am glad you are inspired!
8:25 PMPaburoVIIII think you are having problems Haikevp
8:25 PMPaburoVIII:(
8:25 PMPaburoVIIIwith the stream :(
8:26 PMheikevpoh dear, is it not popping up/
8:26 PMPaburoVIIItry again
8:26 PMPaburoVIIIwhy you are not using obs?
8:44 PMPaburoVIIII have to go
8:44 PMPaburoVIIIbut I will be back1
8:44 PMPaburoVIIIhave a happy streaming1
8:44 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon
9:38 PMJames Magsambolhello!
9:54 PMAritstMariacchi