8:26 PMplbhrthi :)
8:26 PMComanderArthello! :)
8:43 PMinteurHeya !
8:43 PMplbhrthi! :)
8:44 PMinteurhow are you ?
8:57 PMplbhrtfine! and you?
8:57 PMinteurfine fine really nice art dude :D
9:16 PMplbhrtoh thx ! ^^
9:16 PMplbhrtyour work looks nice too!
9:16 PMinteurOh thanks a lot :D
9:16 PMplbhrtit's personnal sketching for fun?
9:17 PMinteurHum more than a draft for a cinematic of my game :)
9:17 PMplbhrtho great
9:18 PMinteurAnd your illustration ?
9:18 PMinteurit's for fun or a project ?
9:18 PMplbhrtmine's for fun to relax ^^
9:19 PMinteurYou right
9:19 PMinteurit's a really good thing to draw for fun
9:19 PMplbhrtsure!
9:20 PMplbhrtare you like developing a game or making art for someone's ?
9:20 PMplbhrtor both :D
9:20 PMinteurnope
9:20 PMinteuri'am alone on my project
9:21 PMinteurand in your case ?
9:21 PMinteurPS: ComanderArt your pixelart was awsome
9:25 PMComanderArtthanks! Though with how both your guys drawings are coming along I think they are cool. :)
9:26 PMinteurYeah thank you so much
9:26 PMplbhrthaha thx
9:27 PMplbhrtdam making a game's lot of work
9:27 PMinteurYeah :/
9:27 PMinteuri have start my game about 2mouth i've made nothing XD
9:28 PMComanderArtwelp good luck with getting that done then. XP
9:28 PMinteuryou too :)
10:01 PMinteurThe effect (fire or demonic i guess) was awsome ComanderArt
10:02 PMComanderArtthanks! Honestly wasn't sure if it was going to look right cause I kinda suck when it comes to making effects. :P
10:02 PMinteurWell i like the way you make it
10:20 PMJustinFoxMediaHowdy everyone! :-)
10:20 PMinteurHeya !
10:20 PMinteurHow are you ?
10:22 PMJustinFoxMediaGetting better and better, BYAH!!
10:22 PMplbhrthey:)
10:22 PMComanderArtbye all! Hope you all have a good day! :)
10:23 PMinteurThat an excellent point of view JustinFoxMedia
10:25 PMJustinFoxMediaappreciate that. Far better than the other options of "I suck" and, "things are awful" etc. Confession matters... dangit :-) and, it's generally true.
10:25 PMplbhrti'm leaving too, see you all ! :)
10:25 PMinteurYou totally right
10:26 PMinteurSee ya Plbhrt ;)
10:26 PMinteurBut sorry dude but i leave too It was 11:26 PM where i live :) hope to see ya soon :)