2:24 PMojibwe_northwestnice old batman returns joker
2:42 PMojibwe_northwesthi rkitect
2:47 PMrkitectGOOD morning!
2:47 PMrkitecttrying to get set up. Too many distractions this morning!
2:47 PMojibwe_northwestoh ic
2:51 PMojibwe_northwesti have to head to work soon just wanted to get started on 1 of my animations
2:52 PMrkitectit's looking great man.
2:52 PMrkitectwe're about to switch over to unreal for a couple of VR projects to see how the workflow is
2:52 PMojibwe_northwesti just have to do his special moves his throw and super move
2:53 PMojibwe_northwestthe im finially done with the character
2:57 PMojibwe_northwesthow is your hetic morning going?
2:58 PMrkitectIt's going
2:59 PMrkitectwas supposed ot have this stuff to the client a couple days ago
2:59 PMrkitectmissed a business meeting this morning because of additional work needing to be done
2:59 PMrkitectces la vie
3:00 PMojibwe_northwestouch
3:01 PMrkitectand now I'm redlining some frustrating errors on a set from an intern
3:01 PMojibwe_northwestwell i have to head to work i will check out your stream though while im at work
3:01 PMrkitecttake care, and have fun!
3:03 PMrkitectsup jdtmart! This looks great!
3:19 PMojibwe_northwestso my work is not very far, its at the band office, so i just walked down here
3:42 PMBlady_ogheiyo!
4:43 PMrkitectGOOD morning all!
4:44 PMrkitectDavid, Blady, hope all is well!
4:44 PMBlady_ogyep, fine thanks :)
5:03 PMBlady_ogend for today, thanks for pairing
5:03 PMBlady_og;)
5:03 PMBlady_ogto next pair :)
5:41 PMJoshua Hicks ArtGreetings
6:14 PMrkitectI'm off to lunch
6:14 PMrkitecthave a great one, and Happy Drawing!
6:31 PMDavid_JoffeNice box you're drawing there
6:31 PMDavid_JoffeIt's a box with 6l legs
6:31 PMDavid_Joffe*6 legs
6:31 PMJoshua Hicks ArtHeh yeah, boxhopper
6:46 PMJoshua Hicks ArtWhat kind of lag are you talking about?
6:50 PMJoshua Hicks ArtLike you're getting delay with your brush strokes, frames are dropping, or there is buffering?
6:54 PMDavid_JoffeThis is your first stream? Wow, cool
6:54 PMJoshua Hicks ArtFrom what I remember, the stroke lag could be caused by obs using a lot of your cpu. May be able lower your fps or resolution so it doesn't use as much of your cpu
6:57 PMDavid_JoffeThere's an option in OBS somewhere something like "Use new network code" that is in theory supposed to possibly also help with lag, but I think it's a beta setting so might not be stable, I use it
6:57 PMDavid_JoffeOh yeah, under Advanced, two settings, right at the bottom
6:57 PMDavid_Joffe'Low latency' and 'Use new network code' - might be worth a try - unset again if it causes problems
6:58 PMDavid_JoffeThen if you are on DSL you might have issues if your upload rate is too close or higher to the DSL line upload speed
7:03 PMJoshua Hicks ArtIt's frustrating getting things set up right heh
7:16 PMnovekaiMuch better but still little lag
7:17 PMJoshua Hicks ArtAh that's good
7:51 PMrkitectGOOD afternoon!
7:52 PMJoshua Hicks ArtGreetings
8:14 PMojibwe_northwesthi
8:18 PMJoshua Hicks ArtHey there, caught me just as I was leaving
8:18 PMJoshua Hicks ArtSee yall later, good luck I gotta head to work
8:29 PMLiekfeel Thank You Guys for this awesome network! follow me on instagram so I can connect with more awesome artist Like you guys!
8:29 PMLiekfeel @LiekFeel
8:56 PMdungeonpugWhat is this two fellow streamers!? Oh no!
8:56 PMdungeonpugThat is one more than I am use to :P
8:56 PMdungeonpugGoodness gracious I am coming down with the vapors. :P
8:56 PMdungeonpugOh hello Rkitect!
8:56 PMojibwe_northwestlol
9:46 PMrkitecthello there!
9:46 PMrkitectand now you have 3 fellow streamers, dungeon pug
10:07 PMdungeonpugYes!
10:07 PMdungeonpugTogether we will destroy all traditonal artists!
10:17 PMdungeonpugAlright, calling it there for now. Thank you all for watching.
10:40 PMrkitecthave a great evening both of you!
10:40 PMrkitectHAPPY drawing!