3:01 PMDragonKiteGamesGood morning Numbat!
3:01 PMNumbatNinjaMornin!
3:13 PMPikkufighterGood evening fellas
3:13 PMDragonKiteGamesGood morning!
3:15 PMNumbatNinjaHello Pikku
3:37 PMPikkufighterEvening
3:37 PMNumbatNinjaHello Punkjunk
3:39 PMPikkufighterWelcome
3:40 PMDragonKiteGamesGoodmorning Kuriie!
3:40 PMKuriieMorning y'all!
3:41 PMNumbatNinjaHello Kurlie
4:07 PMKuriieWelcome back
4:07 PMPikkufighterokay then, when did my stream program die?
4:08 PMKuriieNot sure tbh
4:08 PMNumbatNinjaMust not have been long.. You were gone and back pretty quickly
4:08 PMPikkufighter10 min I think
4:08 PMPikkufighterlooked so on the video at least
4:37 PMKuriieWelcome Big Magic
4:37 PMDragonKiteGamesHey Big Magic
4:38 PMNumbatNinjaHello BigMagic
5:03 PMNumbatNinjaAlright.. Time to take a break and have some lunch.. See you all later!
5:03 PMDragonKiteGamesBye
5:26 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
5:26 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
6:14 PMAerisnoirHey everyone!
6:14 PMPaburoVIIIHello! Aerisnoir!
6:15 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
6:15 PMAerisnoirI'm doing great! How about you?
6:17 PMAerisnoirwhat are you making?
6:17 PMPaburoVIIII am fixing a stylized bandit
6:18 PMPaburoVIIII must finish today
6:18 PMAerisnoiroooh awesomes
6:18 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you going to do?
6:18 PMAerisnoirlooks cool, how much time left?
6:18 PMPaburoVIIIwell I have to do the uvs and then bake and then make a handpaintyed texture and then finish hahaha :P
6:18 PMAerisnoirI am going to chill out and color these amazing lines an artist did.
6:19 PMPaburoVIIIohh great
6:19 PMPaburoVIIIhave fun!
6:19 PMAerisnoirfor fun, and brushing up old skills
6:19 PMAerisnoir-thumbs up-
6:19 PMAerisnoirdo you think you'll make the model today?
6:19 PMAerisnoiras in, finish?
6:20 PMPaburoVIIIyes I think so
6:20 PMPaburoVIIII have hope
6:21 PMAerisnoirthat's important!
6:23 PMPaburoVIIIyeah
6:37 PMPaburoVIIIHello! Luke!
6:37 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
6:37 PMAerisnoirHey hello, welcome!
6:47 PMAerisnoirlooks good, Paburo
6:55 PMPaburoVIIIthanks!
6:55 PMPaburoVIIIhello! Natal!
6:56 PMNatalHey Paburo! How are you?
7:10 PMPaburoVIIII am good and you Natal?
7:10 PMPaburoVIIIohh what a cool tower Natal :)
7:12 PMNatalIm doin alright, thanx! What you working on?
7:16 PMPaburoVIIII am woking with the uvs of a stylized bandit
7:16 PMPaburoVIIIare you new here?
7:18 PMNatalYah, featuring for the first time today but did a couple streams last week :) how you liking it here on watchmework?
7:20 PMPaburoVIIIohh great welcome
7:20 PMPaburoVIIIwell Chris contacted me to stream here :)
7:20 PMPaburoVIIIand you?
7:21 PMNatalsame :) are you streaming elsewhere as well?
7:23 PMPaburoVIIIthis week i start on twitch
7:23 PMPaburoVIIII am starting to understand that platform
7:23 PMPaburoVIIIand you?
7:23 PMNatalive been on twitch a couple of months
7:26 PMPaburoVIIIohh and it is good?
7:29 PMNatalIt can be fun.
7:30 PMNatalEVeryone seems to have a different experience with it.
7:30 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
7:31 PMPaburoVIIIand have you ever receive donations on twicth?
7:32 PMNatalheh, no. my schedule isnt consistent enough to bring in the same people
7:32 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see :(
7:33 PMPaburoVIIII am interested in that
7:33 PMPaburoVIII:(
7:33 PMNatal you have to build a community
7:34 PMNatalHave a set schedule and record yourself when you work everytime you work. If your skilled at what you do people will come in and talk.
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIyes I known
7:39 PMPaburoVIIIhow could I do a comunity?
7:40 PMNatalwork :)
7:41 PMNatalIf your serious about being a streamer, you have to kind of brand your self
7:41 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
7:41 PMPaburoVIIIunderstand
7:42 PMAerisnoirit's best to stream daily, I think, if you want to build
7:43 PMNatalyeah
7:43 PMNatalPaburoVIII What do you prefer if you had to choose. Low Poly Or UV Unwrapping?
7:46 PMNatalHey Aerisnoir, Love the Transformer art!
7:46 PMAerisnoirthank you! Be aware though. lines are not mine
7:47 PMAerisnoirthey're from EdPirrie on twitter
7:47 PMNatalOh, hats off to the line artist
7:47 PMAerisnoirdefinitely!
7:49 PMPaburoVIIINatal I think low poly :P
7:51 PMNatal:)
7:51 PMNatalHey, when your featured hour is up do I have to sign off?
7:53 PMAerisnoirnot sure, but I never do, and never heard anything of it
7:53 PMPaburoVIIII have to go to eat
7:53 PMPaburoVIIIsee you very soon
7:54 PMAerisnoirhave a nice meal!
7:55 PMNatalEnjoy! Nice Talkin to ya
8:04 PMAerisnoirso what is it that you are working on, Natal?
8:06 PMNatalMy brother and I are working on a 2d action game
8:06 PMAerisnoirCool!
8:07 PMAerisnoirwil it have multiple levels?
8:07 PMNatalBeing the sole artist I do get to have a lot of freedom which is fun
8:08 PMNatalHave you ever heard of a game called blaster master?
8:08 PMAerisnoirooh, that's nice, but challenging, I think? And no, haven't heard of it
8:09 PMNatalIts gonna have metroidvania platforming where you search and unlock action stages like contra and Gunstar heroes
8:09 PMNatalits gonna be a big undertaking. We're hoping to get some funding, (like kickstarter) when we're done our demo
8:10 PMAerisnoirah, nice, I know contra. and metroidvania's are always fun.
8:11 PMAerisnoirI hope you succeed!
8:13 PMNatalThanx! :)
8:25 PMPaburoVIIII am back!
8:26 PMNatalYAY!
8:26 PMAerisnoirwelcome back!
8:29 PMPaburoVIIIsorry but I have to go
8:29 PMPaburoVIIInice too meeting you Natal!
8:29 PMPaburoVIIII hope you can stream more here!
8:29 PMAerisnoir=( awh, see ya next time!
8:29 PMPaburoVIIIbye!
8:29 PMPaburoVIIIhave a nice streaming
8:31 PMNataloh, shiz, Well, bye if ur still there!
8:41 PMAerisnoirwell, I won't be coloring the entire piece today... but the one that I did, I'm happy wiht
8:45 PMNatalI feel the same about mmy peice :D
8:45 PMAerisnoir-highfives!- go us!
8:47 PMNatal XD
9:01 PMAerisnoirTIme for me to go as well
9:01 PMAerisnoirhave a great day, Natal, and till next time!
9:01 PMNatalyou too man
9:03 PMAerisnoirwoman, actually ;) I've added you to my wmw watchlist! have a good stream =)
9:04 PMNatalI had a feeling you might say that :S Hope to seeya again
9:05 PMSurBruSoh, hi aeris!
9:06 PMSurBruSlots of unannounced chat
9:06 PMSurBruSI cant figure this chat out