4:12 PMBonusDreamwhat hairy hump are ya drawing there? :p
4:16 PMColzackIt's supposed to be a field of grass
4:16 PMColzackbut I see how it can look like a hairy dump at the moment
4:16 PMBonusDreamlol
4:22 PMBonusDreamhow far along are you on your comic?
4:22 PMColzackI'm just starting today
4:22 PMColzackthis is the first page
4:23 PMBonusDreamoh sweet do you have any story ideas/plans?
4:24 PMColzackIt's a little cliche but the main idea is for it to be an adventure comic
4:25 PMColzackcentered around one main character a he travels the world discovering new places and wonders
4:25 PMColzackand meets interesting people and has experiences along the way
4:26 PMBonusDreamnp at least with my ideas and projects no matter how cliche it starts out as it always turns out unique
4:27 PMColzackThanks
4:27 PMColzackThat's what I'm hoping for with this comic
4:30 PMBonusDreamcool dude, the biggest thing is just doing it. Something I'm learning about now is scope, its super important to know your scope and stay within it if you want to avoid feature creep and the project growing past your control or abilities.
4:32 PMColzackYeah I agree completely
4:33 PMColzackSince this is my first time making a comic I'm trying to stay as much within my scope as I can
4:49 PMColzackWhat are you working on?
4:50 PMBonusDreamA game about tripping out lol, watch and Ill show you
4:51 PMColzackOh wow
4:51 PMColzackthat does look trippy
4:52 PMColzackawesome work though
4:52 PMBonusDreamwe also got some funny dialogue interactions
4:52 PMColzackNice
4:53 PMBonusDreamim gonna show you my fav one sec
4:55 PMColzackyeah that's really good
4:56 PMBonusDreamlol ty
4:59 PMBonusDreamhave ya heard of LudumDare?
5:01 PMColzackNo I haven't
5:01 PMColzackwhat is it?
5:01 PMBonusDreama game jam
5:01 PMBonusDreamso you have a set amount of time and a theme
5:01 PMBonusDreamand you make a game either alone or with a team
5:02 PMBonusDreamthe one this game came from was a 72 hr one
5:02 PMColzackSo it's like a competition?
5:02 PMBonusDreamI did the heavy lifting and my friends pitched in with some VO and ideas lol
5:02 PMBonusDreamsort of yeah
5:03 PMBonusDreamthere aren't usually big money prizes because it'd be impossible to regulate
5:03 PMColzackIt sounds like a lot of fun though
5:04 PMBonusDreambut ending up with an awesome game in that short amount of time is a prize in itself lol
5:04 PMColzackYeah true
5:04 PMBonusDreamyeah super fun! I'm on my seventh game jam now
5:04 PMColzackMust be a great feeling of accomplishment
5:05 PMBonusDreamoh for sure, its also amazing what you can get done in such a short amount of time
5:06 PMBonusDreama productivity sprint if you will
5:06 PMColzackI can only imaging
5:08 PMBonusDreamwell nice chatting and best of luck my dude. I gtg to my sisters wedding in just a sec so I'll be dropping out now
5:08 PMColzackAlright, have fun at the wedding
5:08 PMColzackI'm about to stop too
5:09 PMBonusDreamty see ya later o7
5:09 PMColzackBye
5:12 PMClémentsorry
5:13 PMClémenti don't see the tchat