5:04 AMRenhey rhey radiant
5:04 AMRenhow are you today?
5:05 AMojibwe_northwesthery how are u?
5:06 AMojibwe_northwestif you wondering what im doing im pinting enevlops on the character
5:06 AMojibwe_northwestpainting
5:06 AMReni am fine today, good start into the week
5:07 AMRenoh i see :D
5:07 AMojibwe_northwestso whats this picture for your working on
5:07 AMReninteressting to study the face, i have to practice alot facial structures
5:08 AMReni am practice just facial
5:08 AMRenpretty happy with the body
5:08 AMRenbut i struggle with face
5:08 AMojibwe_northwestdo you do your lines as guide points
5:09 AMReni do but i need a good headform/size to fit the body, was just going planless into it
5:09 AMRendidnt work out very well lol
5:09 AMojibwe_northwestwyour head forms look fine
5:13 AMRenthe form yes, size i always try îf it fits 6.5 - 8 times
5:13 AMRenfacial expression ^^"
5:13 AMRenhey zipp
5:13 AMojibwe_northwesti think your nose line should be done a little
5:14 AMojibwe_northwesthi zipp
5:14 AMojibwe_northwestits to close to eye lines
5:16 AMZippMonkHey guys
5:16 AMojibwe_northweststill working hard on your costume
5:17 AMojibwe_northwestalmost done with the character other then animations
5:18 AMZippMonkyep in the concrunch mode
5:18 AMZippMonkgot 2 months to finish it all
5:18 AMojibwe_northwestyour face on your drawing looks fine
5:18 AMojibwe_northwestare you going to be wearing it?
5:22 AMReni wonder how the finished costume looks, just watched a video from a moira (overwatch cosplay) it's so cool
5:28 AMojibwe_northwesthi
5:31 AMZippMonki post progress pics on my ig
5:32 AMZippMonkso will see finished look soon hope
5:33 AMRenhello ^^
6:45 AMRenhave a nice day :)
6:47 AMojibwe_northwestlater ren
7:02 AMDepressive Beanoh shot
7:02 AMDepressive Beanlots of hoomans
7:03 AMojibwe_northwesthi mr bean
7:03 AMDepressive Beanhi mr radiant
7:03 AMZippMonkhiya bean :)
7:05 AMDepressive Beani just ended my stream for, well, reasons, hope you guys have fun
7:07 AMojibwe_northwesti hope it was not for saying mr bean
7:07 AMDepressive Beanhehehe
7:07 AMDepressive Beanno radiant, dun woz
7:08 AMojibwe_northwestok i dont mean to offened
7:59 AMZippMonkOk you guys have a good one. I out for now. time for sleep then work... then back to cosplay build tomorrow after
8:14 AMojibwe_northwestyeh im outta here also ttyl