6:10 PMMrsLintyhello
6:14 PMDenmanderhello
6:14 PMMrsLintyhow are you this morning?
6:15 PMMrsLintyafternoon i guess
6:15 PMDenmanderpretty bad overall, but it's not specifically to this afternoon ^^
6:15 PMDenmanderalso realized my notifications here aren't working for some reason
6:16 PMMrsLintyyeah, i'm not hearing the normal ding either on my end
6:16 PMDenmanderand now i heard it
6:16 PMDenmanderonce
6:16 PMMrsLintylol
6:16 PMDenmanderseems to be working again now
6:17 PMDenmanderhow are you?
6:18 PMMrsLintyi'm pretty well. found a mouse this weekend, so cleaned basicly the whole house so that feels good to have a clean living space, lol
6:23 PMDenmanderclean is good
6:29 PMDenmanderthat's a cool hat
6:29 PMMrsLintythanks. i like how it's turnned out. new pattern
6:50 PMchrisweiherhey guys, great to see you using the pairing feature!
6:50 PMchrisweiherwhat do you think so far?
6:50 PMDenmanderit's interesting so far
6:51 PMDenmanderbut i have to brb
6:51 PMchrisweiherbtw - we changed the dings so if the website is selected, you won't get an audio sound but if you're clicked off the page, you will
6:51 PMMrsLintythat explains it. i thought it was maybe a bug or something
6:52 PMchrisweihernope that's actually on purpose!
6:55 PMMrsLintyok, cool. i think its interesting to be able to watch someone else work on something while i'm working, but i think it would be more benificial if it were two streamers of the same type, but that may just be a matter of expanding the streamers on this platform
6:56 PMMrsLintylol, just noticed how big that text was was, sry
6:56 PMchrisweiheryes, as we grow, we're going to make the prioritization feature more specific, as of right now though you can prioritize visual artists, musicians or developers
6:57 PMchrisweiherwhat text is that?
6:57 PMMrsLintytext wall
6:57 PMMrsLintymy brain added a word and my fingers skipped it
6:57 PMchrisweiheraaaaah
6:58 PMchrisweihergotcha!
6:58 PMchrisweiherkk i have to run here and jump on a call but great to see you guys using the feature. feel free to email me feedback anytime!
8:41 PMDenmanderthat took a lot longer than i thought it would, but my glasses aren't hurting my nose anymore
8:57 PMMrsLintyit sucks when such an imprtant thing is uncomfortable :-/ it was nice streaming with you. i'm wrapping it up for today
8:58 PMDenmanderokay, have a good day or night
10:58 PMOdeChanHi guys!
11:06 PMchrisweiherHey Ode! how's it going?
11:06 PMOdeChanHi Chris!
11:06 PMOdeChanI'm fine, you? :)
11:07 PMchrisweihergreat, thanks for streaming hopefully you'll get paired with someone soon :)
11:08 PMOdeChanI hope so too, sounds fun! :)
11:08 PMchrisweiherif it's cool i might have someone send you an invite to pair
11:10 PMOdeChanOk :D
11:19 PMchrisweiher@Denmander, msg me when you're back
11:19 PMDenmanderi'm back
11:19 PMchrisweiheroh cool,
11:20 PMDenmanderperfect timing
11:20 PMchrisweiher does it say 'end pairing' / 'end stream' above your videos?
11:20 PMDenmanderend stream yes, end pairing went away when i refreshed the page
11:20 PMchrisweiherok i think we found a new bug
11:21 PMDenmanderoh...
11:21 PMchrisweiherwhen MrsLinty eneded her stream you should have been repaired with someone new
11:21 PMchrisweihercan you do me a favor and try inviiting someone to stream
11:21 PMchrisweiher go to the hamburger menu, click on your profile, scroll down , click on profile settings, and paste this name into the invite user to pair field: OdeChan
11:21 PMDenmanderalso i had a bit of trouble clicking the button to swap the stream sizes
11:21 PMchrisweiheryeah i think we should be able to fix it pretty easy i just need to let the developers
11:21 PMchrisweiher'know
11:23 PMDenmanderi think i did it
11:23 PMchrisweiherkk one sec he has to accept it
11:23 PMchrisweiherdid you get an invite message above your video windows?
11:25 PMchrisweiherhe may not be paying attention
11:26 PMchrisweiheranyway i think we know the solution and should have it fixed this week. Thanks!
11:26 PMDenmanderok, you're welcome
11:30 PMOdeChanyes <:
11:30 PMDenmanderi got a message here
11:30 PMDenmander"Your invitation to pair with OdeChan was accepted. Click here to pair. "
11:30 PMchrisweiherwould you mind accepting as we're trying to figure out a bug
11:31 PMchrisweiherah success!
11:31 PMDenmanderi had to click on a message at the top of the page
11:31 PMOdeChanHi Denmander!
11:31 PMchrisweiherDenmander, was paired with a recorded video which shouldn't have happened
11:31 PMDenmanderhello
11:31 PMchrisweiherthanks for breaking him free
11:31 PMDenmanderanother bug for the pile it seems
11:32 PMchrisweiheryerp
11:32 PMOdeChanlol yeah
11:32 PMchrisweiherad the bug to the bug-pile
11:32 PMchrisweiherwe dealt with this one on the production site though so it shouldn't be too bad to fix
11:32 PMOdeChanah good!
11:32 PMOdeChanChris, how come there are not time stamp for the chat?
11:33 PMDenmanderuhh, it still says you are next in line to be paired. is that a problem?
11:33 PMchrisweiherthat's a good question, no one's actually requested it before
11:33 PMchrisweiheris it important to you?
11:33 PMOdeChanvery xD
11:33 PMchrisweiherno, that's part of the same bug here
11:33 PMchrisweiherok noted, just curious, why
11:33 PMchrisweiheri'll add it to our build queue
11:34 PMOdeChanso I know when my watchers sent me a message haha
11:34 PMchrisweiherkk - that makes sense
11:34 PMOdeChansometimes I don't notice right away
11:34 PMchrisweihergotcha, i guess we have the bell instead :)
11:34 PMchrisweiherbut that's good to be able to tap into that information
11:34 PMDenmanderit's specially good when you go away for a while and don't know if the person just said that or not
11:35 PMchrisweihertocha
11:35 PMchrisweiher'gotcha
11:35 PMOdeChanyeah but because I have music on i don't always notice the bell
11:35 PMchrisweiheryeah i noticed ! :D
11:35 PMOdeChanyeah, too
11:35 PMDenmanderthe bell is loud enough for me to notice
11:35 PMchrisweiherkk i have about 75 emails to send so i'll be off for now but will check in on you guys
11:35 PMchrisweiherlet me know how it goes!
11:35 PMDenmanderok later
11:35 PMOdeChanwait, question!
11:36 PMchrisweiheryeah?
11:36 PMOdeChanif I swap between my stream and Denmander's stream, is it only for me or for everyone who is on my stream's page?
11:36 PMOdeChanswap = make Denmander's stream larger and mine smaller
11:37 PMDenmanderthat's a good question...
11:37 PMchrisweiherjust for you
11:37 PMOdeChanok~
11:37 PMchrisweiherfor sure1
11:38 PMOdeChanthank you <:
11:38 PMOdeChanhave fun checking your emails!
11:38 PMchrisweiheroh i will!
11:40 PMOdeChanso how are you doing, Denmander?
11:40 PMOdeChanwhat are you drawing?
11:41 PMDenmandera commission i got
11:41 PMDenmandertaking a bit long to finish as i didn't know how to do everything on it at first
11:42 PMDenmanderbut i got to draw a lightsaber so i'm happy about it
11:42 PMOdeChanoh it looks nice!
11:44 PMDenmanderthanks i've been working on it for to long now XP
11:47 PMOdeChanwell art takes time ^.^
11:47 PMDenmanderat least it's not the 3 months i've spent on an animations :P
11:50 PMOdeChanoh god animation is a killer haha
11:50 PMOdeChanI try to suppress the fact that I probably need to learn it xD
11:51 PMDenmanderi learned it a long time ago, when i didn't need to :p
11:54 PMDenmanderbut 3D i learned only a few years ago
11:55 PMOdeChanhow long have you been drawing and stuff?
11:56 PMDenmanderi was drawing random stuff when i was 3 years old on paper :p
11:56 PMDenmanderbut i started messing on computer stuff, namely animation over 10 years ago
11:56 PMDenmanderwhen i was 10
11:57 PMOdeChanoh I see!
11:58 PMOdeChanI've only started drawing digitally in 2008.. I was 13-14
12:00 AMOdeChanbut also been drawing since being a toddler
12:01 AMOdeChandrawing on every table in school xD
12:01 AMDenmanderscribbling in tables was a really bad habit :p
12:02 AMDenmanderso many tables ruined in the name of random scribbledge
12:11 AMOdeChannah, a bit of water and they're as new <:
12:11 AMDenmanderwhen they're not crappy tables that you can dig holes into with a pencil
12:16 AMDenmanderand now because of the new zelda i'm interested in making games again too >.>
12:20 AMOdeChando it :D
12:21 AMDenmanderi have 0 budget to do it, but most of the knowledge to do it :p
12:21 AMOdeChanmaybe you can find someone else who needs your help but has a budget~
12:22 AMDenmanderi'm terrible at meeting people :p
12:22 AMDenmanderbiggest issue i've had a lot of times
12:31 AMOdeChanmostly everyone is haha
12:31 AMOdeChanbut you can do it online
12:31 AMOdeChanmaybe on deviantarts forums or something
12:35 AMDenmandereh, don't really know how to go about it
12:40 AMOdeChandont know either ^^"
12:41 AMOdeChannever really been into game development
12:41 AMDenmanderhave been into it for a long time now :P
12:43 AMOdeChanhmm~
12:44 AMOdeChanwell deviantart forums is my best idea "XD
1:04 AMDenmanderwell after watching a totalbiscuit video about current developers it makes me a lot more confident about the current market for actual good games :P
1:09 AMOdeChanwhat do you mean?
1:11 AMDenmandergiant flood of absolute trash made of stolen assets in steam that can't even be called a game
1:11 AMDenmanderthis is sort of what's happening in the market right now, so anything that's good will get a lot of attention
1:12 AMOdeChanoh really? o:
1:14 AMDenmander basically dodgy developers abusing their ability to take down critics and content to make the game seems to have a better review than it should and making just a bit of money to make the next shitty game
1:14 AMDenmanderalong the use of a lot of pre-made content that don't belong to them
1:14 AMOdeChanoh man
1:15 AMOdeChanwhat an asshole move
1:41 AMOdeChanOk, Denmander, I'm out now!
1:41 AMOdeChanIt was really fun streaming with you!
1:41 AMDenmanderok, thanks for streaming with me
1:42 AMOdeChanSame!
1:42 AMOdeChanSee ya!
1:42 AMDenmandersee ya!
1:54 AMDenmandertest