3:06 PMRyuuzaafternoon ^^
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIHey
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIhowa re you doing?
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIgood morning here!
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIhey Ryuuza!
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIhey Joorechii
3:17 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?=
3:18 PMRyuuzaaside from somebody who may or may not have been threatening my channel in Spanish just now, fine XD
3:18 PMRyuuza(I have no idea outside of a few words, but they were distracting me anyway)
3:18 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:19 PMPaburoVIIIdo you known spanish?
3:19 PMRyuuzano, as I said, I only recognised a few words and that's because they were obvious ones
3:19 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see I see hehhe
3:19 PMPaburoVIIIcool! :)
3:20 PMPaburoVIIIryuuza I dont known if you known but your stream said starting in 5 minutes
3:20 PMRyuuzaoh ffs
3:20 PMRyuuzathank you
3:20 PMPaburoVIIII think you need to desactivate in your obs
3:20 PMRyuuzano, it's just a text box
3:21 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:21 PMPaburoVIIIand how is doing your drawing ryuuza?
3:21 PMRyuuzadunno yet, only just started XD
3:21 PMPaburoVIIIohh cool! hehe :)
3:47 PMRyuuzaokay, so it's actually going pretty well now XD
3:49 PMPaburoVIIIgreat!
3:49 PMPaburoVIIIlooking soo cool!
3:50 PMPaburoVIIII love the lighting!
3:51 PMRyuuzathank you ^^
3:52 PMPaburoVIIIyour welcome!
4:10 PMPaburoVIIII am going out
4:10 PMPaburoVIIItime for breakfast
4:10 PMPaburoVIIIsee you soon!
4:10 PMRyuuzaenjoy! :)
4:10 PMPaburoVIIIhappy streaming!
4:10 PMPaburoVIIIthanks!
4:10 PMPaburoVIIIenjoy the painting!