4:10 PMCaityKitty13to make it go over or under
4:10 PMReal_Atomski was wondering if it was possible to join those 2 selected nodes
4:10 PMReal_Atomskrather then make a new line for each spot
4:11 PMCaityKitty13fair, i'm pretty sure my brother is asleep
4:11 PMReal_Atomsklike i said, it is doable
4:11 PMReal_Atomski just suspect i am going about it the hard way
4:12 PMReal_Atomskand if I am going to get up to the same skill level as what I can do by hand
4:12 PMReal_Atomskhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B0W_hk7lrS7/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
4:12 PMReal_Atomskwant to avoid as many extra steps
4:13 PMReal_Atomskprobably will need to look into scripting
4:13 PMCaityKitty13yeah possibly
4:14 PMCaityKitty13your designs are gorgeous tho
4:15 PMReal_Atomskthank you
4:15 PMReal_Atomskthat was for my friends wedding
4:16 PMReal_Atomskthe outer ring says congratulations
4:16 PMReal_Atomskthe middle ring is there name
4:16 PMReal_Atomskand the center ring is decoration
4:16 PMReal_Atomskcan you select the allow embeding in youtube?
4:17 PMReal_Atomski pulled the window up on my screen
4:17 PMReal_Atomskit is under the advanced options
4:18 PMReal_Atomskif allow embedding is grayed out you need to enable monetization and create an adsense account that is linked to your youtube channel
4:19 PMCaityKitty13what are you using to stream, are you going through youtube or another program>
4:20 PMkykiri'd recommend restream.io
4:21 PMCaityKitty13yeah restream.io is easier
4:21 PMReal_Atomskplayback is disabled
4:21 PMReal_Atomskso I use streamlabs
4:22 PMkykirit says u didn't allow yt to broadcoast it to other websites
4:22 PMReal_Atomskand that sends my info to restream.io
4:22 PMReal_Atomskwhich then I have send to youtube and twitch
4:23 PMReal_Atomsk@caity here is another piece I just finished
4:23 PMReal_Atomskhttps://www.facebook.com/RealAtomsk/photos/a.1327457510743087/1327457860743052/?type=1&theater
4:23 PMCaityKitty13nice :)
4:23 PMReal_Atomskthanks
4:24 PMReal_AtomskIs from night in the woods, "At the end of everything, hold onto anything"
4:24 PMReal_Atomskthe ligher blue is the lettering
4:24 PMCaityKitty13oooh cool
4:25 PMReal_Atomskyep
4:25 PMReal_Atomskand my current offer is if you follow me on twitch I will make a nameblock like you are seeing me create right now
4:28 PMCaityKitty13cool, whats your twitch user? i barely use it but i may as well add you :P i still stream there every week during my regular stream
4:30 PMReal_Atomsksame as WMW Real Atomsk
4:30 PMReal_Atomsktwitch.tv/real_atomsk
4:33 PMCaityKitty13well, i'm not streaming right now. But this is what i usually do https://www.deviantart.com/caitykitty13
4:47 PMkykirhi there
4:47 PMkykirhi thereee
4:47 PMkykiroops
4:48 PMCaityKitty13got it figured out yet?
4:48 PMReal_Atomskstill showing unavailable for me
4:50 PMCaityKitty13i can now view it on youtube but not here
4:52 PMReal_Atomsksame for me, if I click through I can see you drawing a butterfly
4:52 PMReal_Atomskbut here nothing
4:54 PMCaityKitty13i reloaded it but nope
4:55 PMCaityKitty13are you sure you have 'embed' ticked under advanced settings
4:56 PMCaityKitty13or allow embedding or something like that
4:57 PMCaityKitty13cool
4:59 PMCaityKitty13no
5:00 PMCaityKitty13it might be because you're already live
5:00 PMCaityKitty13you might have to stop and start again
5:00 PMCaityKitty13idk
5:05 PMReal_Atomskjust realized he might have used the 'wrong' live code
5:06 PMReal_Atomskif he enabled or whatever and didn't copy the new link it would direct back to the restricted view
5:06 PMReal_Atomskhappened to me the other day when used a previous stream link
5:08 PMCaityKitty13ah yeah
5:08 PMCaityKitty13that too
5:12 PMReal_Atomskwas very confused as to why wmw was showing my stream of streets of rogue while i was drawing lol
5:16 PMCaityKitty13lol!
5:19 PMReal_Atomskanyway, that does it for me. Talk to you all later