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watch me paint

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3:08 PMPikkufighterGood evening
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIhow is doing your game Pikku?
3:25 PMPikkufighterdoing fine mate, gonna try making plants
3:26 PMlaramesanzaburkeim a total noob at this guys so dont mind me:)
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you going to do plants?
3:26 PMPikkufighterhows your game doing?
3:26 PMPikkufighterBlender should have a tool to help me but well see
3:26 PMPikkufighterand noob on what?
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you doing laremesenzaburke?
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:27 PMPaburoVIIIwell my game is kinda stop because the programmer :P
3:27 PMPaburoVIIII am learning new technics today
3:27 PMPaburoVIII:D
3:27 PMPaburoVIIIwell I will start to texture this coaster cart :)
3:27 PMPikkufighterI see you have the opposite problem to me :P
3:31 PMPaburoVIIIare you the programmer?
3:32 PMPikkufighterI'm the everything
3:33 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:33 PMPaburoVIIIhard but more control :(
3:35 PMPikkufighteryea, well i'm just working for a prototype then might get more people onboard
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIohh good
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIsorry but where are you from?
3:42 PMPikkufighterwhat?
3:42 PMPikkufighterme?
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIyes
3:42 PMPikkufighterFinland, why?
3:43 PMPaburoVIIIno it is ok I am curious about other countries game development
3:43 PMPaburoVIII:)
3:43 PMPikkufighterprobably not best example there is
3:45 PMPaburoVIIII think it is a good country for games
3:45 PMPaburoVIIIlike angry birds and alan wake
3:45 PMPaburoVIIIonly a small examples :)
3:46 PMPikkufighterAlan Wake is awesome
3:47 PMPaburoVIIIyeah!
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkeim an illustrator,
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkebut i do a bunch of stuff, my style is not necessarily what i work on...
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkei like black and white geometrical drawings, but that doesnt pay the bills
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedrawings of cute character book illustrations pay the bills
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkehaha
4:09 PMPikkufighterso few fun things that do
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedepends on the job, i have gotten to do cool superhero drawings, which is fun
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkeand i did an adult coloring book on executions, which was to say the least
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedo you guys live off this or just for fun?
4:16 PMPikkufightercurrently only for fun
4:16 PMPaburoVIIII live doing Game Art :D and you?
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkei make some money but not enough to pay the bills
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkeive only just started, so lets see where it goes
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkei make enough to shop in lidl
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkewould like to make enough to shop in tesco.
4:23 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
4:24 PMlaramesanzaburkeim off lovely talented ppl
4:24 PMlaramesanzaburkegood luck!
4:39 PMPikkufightercya
4:40 PMPaburoVIIIbye1
4:40 PMPaburoVIIIhave a great night!
4:45 PMPaburoVIIIHello! Fuss!
4:45 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
4:46 PMfusspotHey Paburo, doing pretty good, thanks. :) You?
4:46 PMPaburoVIIII am doing great thanks!
4:46 PMPaburoVIIIit is the first time I see you around here
4:46 PMPaburoVIIIare youi new?
4:47 PMfusspotFairly new, yeah. This is only probably the second time I've used this platform.
4:48 PMPaburoVIIIohh great wlecome to watch me work :)
4:48 PMPaburoVIIIwhere are you from=
4:48 PMPaburoVIII?
4:50 PMfusspotI'm from Chicago/USA. You?
4:54 PMPaburoVIIIMexico!
4:54 PMPaburoVIIIoh great Chicago is Beutiful :)
4:54 PMPaburoVIIII have been once :)
4:55 PMfusspotNice! I haven't been to Mexico, myself, though I'd like to go one day. A friend of mine went recently to visit some of her own friends there and loved it.
4:56 PMfusspotThough I can't remember what city she visited.
5:02 PMPaburoVIIIohh great
5:02 PMPaburoVIII:)
5:04 PMPikkufighterbya guys, i'm done for today
5:04 PMPaburoVIIIok
5:04 PMPaburoVIIIhave a nice night!
5:05 PMfusspotHave a good one! :)
5:05 PMPaburoVIIIand rest
5:38 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
5:38 PMPaburoVIIINefes!
5:38 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
5:39 PMNefeshello paburo :) im fine thanks
5:52 PMPaburoVIIIgreat!
6:00 PMPaburoVIIII have to go
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIfor the moment
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIsee you very soon
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIhappy streaming!!!
6:01 PMfusspotLater! :)
6:47 PMfusspotNot bad, how's it going? :)
6:49 PMfusspotKnow that struggle. D:
6:56 PMNatalHey everybody!
6:56 PMfusspotHeya :)
6:59 PMNefesHi Natal :)
8:26 PMfusspotAlright, break time. You guys have a good one. :)
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Lara Mesanza Burke is an artist, designer and illustrator. She is half spanish, half irish. Spirish for the mates! Watch her work and create freelance illustrations, childrens illustrations, coloring books, portraits, commissions and many more! She will be showing all the steps and processes to creating a finished design, from the brief, sketches, to the final rendering in both illustrator and photoshop. Interested in knowing how to become a freelance illustrator? Follow me and ask as many questions as you want! I dont bite:) only if you are a chocolate chip cookie



BA Metals ceramics and Glass

Jun 2009 - Jul 2013


MA Accesories and Design

Aug 2013 - Aug 2014

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