3:08 PMPikkufighterGood evening
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
3:25 PMPaburoVIIIhow is doing your game Pikku?
3:25 PMPikkufighterdoing fine mate, gonna try making plants
3:26 PMlaramesanzaburkeim a total noob at this guys so dont mind me:)
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you going to do plants?
3:26 PMPikkufighterhows your game doing?
3:26 PMPikkufighterBlender should have a tool to help me but well see
3:26 PMPikkufighterand noob on what?
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIwhat are you doing laremesenzaburke?
3:26 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:27 PMPaburoVIIIwell my game is kinda stop because the programmer :P
3:27 PMPaburoVIIII am learning new technics today
3:27 PMPaburoVIII:D
3:27 PMPaburoVIIIwell I will start to texture this coaster cart :)
3:27 PMPikkufighterI see you have the opposite problem to me :P
3:31 PMPaburoVIIIare you the programmer?
3:32 PMPikkufighterI'm the everything
3:33 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
3:33 PMPaburoVIIIhard but more control :(
3:35 PMPikkufighteryea, well i'm just working for a prototype then might get more people onboard
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIohh good
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIsorry but where are you from?
3:42 PMPikkufighterwhat?
3:42 PMPikkufighterme?
3:42 PMPaburoVIIIyes
3:42 PMPikkufighterFinland, why?
3:43 PMPaburoVIIIno it is ok I am curious about other countries game development
3:43 PMPaburoVIII:)
3:43 PMPikkufighterprobably not best example there is
3:45 PMPaburoVIIII think it is a good country for games
3:45 PMPaburoVIIIlike angry birds and alan wake
3:45 PMPaburoVIIIonly a small examples :)
3:46 PMPikkufighterAlan Wake is awesome
3:47 PMPaburoVIIIyeah!
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkeim an illustrator,
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkebut i do a bunch of stuff, my style is not necessarily what i work on...
4:08 PMlaramesanzaburkei like black and white geometrical drawings, but that doesnt pay the bills
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedrawings of cute character book illustrations pay the bills
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkehaha
4:09 PMPikkufighterso few fun things that do
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedepends on the job, i have gotten to do cool superhero drawings, which is fun
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkeand i did an adult coloring book on executions, which was quite...mm..interesting to say the least
4:09 PMlaramesanzaburkedo you guys live off this or just for fun?
4:16 PMPikkufightercurrently only for fun
4:16 PMPaburoVIIII live doing Game Art :D and you?
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkei make some money but not enough to pay the bills
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkeive only just started, so lets see where it goes
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkei make enough to shop in lidl
4:23 PMlaramesanzaburkewould like to make enough to shop in tesco.
4:23 PMPaburoVIIIohh I see
4:24 PMlaramesanzaburkeim off lovely talented ppl
4:24 PMlaramesanzaburkegood luck!
4:39 PMPikkufightercya
4:40 PMPaburoVIIIbye1
4:40 PMPaburoVIIIhave a great night!
4:45 PMPaburoVIIIHello! Fuss!
4:45 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
4:46 PMfusspotHey Paburo, doing pretty good, thanks. :) You?
4:46 PMPaburoVIIII am doing great thanks!
4:46 PMPaburoVIIIit is the first time I see you around here
4:46 PMPaburoVIIIare youi new?
4:47 PMfusspotFairly new, yeah. This is only probably the second time I've used this platform.
4:48 PMPaburoVIIIohh great wlecome to watch me work :)
4:48 PMPaburoVIIIwhere are you from=
4:48 PMPaburoVIII?
4:50 PMfusspotI'm from Chicago/USA. You?
4:54 PMPaburoVIIIMexico!
4:54 PMPaburoVIIIoh great Chicago is Beutiful :)
4:54 PMPaburoVIIII have been once :)
4:55 PMfusspotNice! I haven't been to Mexico, myself, though I'd like to go one day. A friend of mine went recently to visit some of her own friends there and loved it.
4:56 PMfusspotThough I can't remember what city she visited.
5:02 PMPaburoVIIIohh great
5:02 PMPaburoVIII:)
5:04 PMPikkufighterbya guys, i'm done for today
5:04 PMPaburoVIIIok
5:04 PMPaburoVIIIhave a nice night!
5:05 PMfusspotHave a good one! :)
5:05 PMPaburoVIIIand rest
5:38 PMPaburoVIIIHello!
5:38 PMPaburoVIIINefes!
5:38 PMPaburoVIIIhow are you doing?
5:39 PMNefeshello paburo :) im fine thanks
5:52 PMPaburoVIIIgreat!
6:00 PMPaburoVIIII have to go
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIfor the moment
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIsee you very soon
6:00 PMPaburoVIIIhappy streaming!!!
6:01 PMfusspotLater! :)
6:47 PMfusspotNot bad, how's it going? :)
6:49 PMfusspotKnow that struggle. D:
6:56 PMNatalHey everybody!
6:56 PMfusspotHeya :)
6:59 PMNefesHi Natal :)
8:26 PMfusspotAlright, break time. You guys have a good one. :)