3:06 PMHayy01Heyo!
3:06 PMinteurHeya !
3:06 PMHayy01How's it goin?
3:06 PMinteurFine and you ?
3:07 PMHayy01Tired xD But fine
3:07 PMinteurYeah i know it right :)
3:07 PMHayy01haha. So watcha drawing?
3:08 PMinteurA concept art from my game :) and you ?
3:09 PMinteurHeya !
3:09 PMIscaRedspiderHelloooooo!)
3:09 PMinteurHow are you ?
3:12 PMIscaRedspiderI'm great, you?)
3:13 PMIscaRedspiderLooks awesome btw!)
3:13 PMinteurFine fine, make some art so it's okay :)
3:14 PMHayy01Oh that's cool! Gonna draw my cat ^w^
3:14 PMHayy01Allso hey Isca!
3:14 PMinteurOh cat is cute !
3:14 PMIscaRedspideri agree)
3:15 PMinteuri'll never draw a cat Oo
3:15 PMHayy01Hahashe's the sweeteest cat >w<
3:16 PMinteurYour cat was cut *o*
3:16 PMinteuri love is posing xD
3:19 PMHayy01SHe's the best poser xDD One of her pictures actually became a meme
3:20 PMinteurwaow GG
3:21 PMHayy01Haha she's the sneeze cat
3:21 PMinteurwho dont love cats ?
3:22 PMHayy01I love cats they are so cute!
3:23 PMinteurYou right
3:29 PMinteurIscaRedSpider you are drawing so fast
3:30 PMinteurPS i love what you've done
3:32 PMIscaRedspiderahh thanks!))
3:32 PMinteurYou welcome
3:33 PMIscaRedspidersketches usually go fast because i'm not doing proper sketches as I should
3:34 PMIscaRedspiderand then I'm doing lineart and this is when the pain starts xd
3:34 PMinteurwell most of time i juste use my sketches and dont make lineart at all
3:58 PMinteurOh Hayy01 dat cat !
3:59 PMIscaRedspideradorable!)
4:30 PMinteurheya
4:31 PMHayy01Thanks! Inteur >w<
4:31 PMHayy01Hey Junu!
4:31 PMinteurYou welcome :)
4:32 PMIscaRedspiderhi Junu!)
5:22 PMojibwe_northwestgood afternoon
5:52 PMHayy01Heyy!
5:52 PMHayy01Sorry but I gotta head on out -w- Fun streaming with you guys!
5:54 PMojibwe_northwestlater
6:19 PMojibwe_northwesthi
6:19 PMojibwe_northwestcool batman
6:19 PMPatrickvanRthanks, but not quite there yet ;)
6:20 PMojibwe_northwestgood start
6:31 PMojibwe_northwestthats your batman refrence
6:32 PMojibwe_northwestreference
6:33 PMPatrickvanRon the side? yea
6:33 PMojibwe_northwestmy sons favorite hero is batman
6:34 PMPatrickvanRgood choice, so is mine ;)
6:34 PMojibwe_northwesttrue
6:35 PMPatrickvanRbut going pretty far out of my comfort zone, normally i do realistic sculpts, but want to so try and see if i can get a more stylized look like the comics for this one
6:35 PMojibwe_northwestgood choice for character