2:00 PMZerospoonzhihi
2:00 PMMylene C.hey
2:28 PMojibwe_northwestmorning
2:28 PMMylene C.hello hello
2:37 PMZerospoonzmorn
2:52 PMojibwe_northwestmy computer updated yesterday and my tablet has no been working properly since then
2:53 PMojibwe_northwesthave any of you incoutered this problem
2:53 PMZerospoonzlast month Windows updated and i was not able to use it properly all month
2:53 PMojibwe_northwestdo i have to reinstall the tablet
2:53 PMMylene C.no problem for me :/ hope you'll find a solution
2:53 PMMylene C.maybe
2:54 PMZerospoonzi had to wait for Nvidia,Radeon,and Asus to make patches for the update
2:54 PMMylene C.when I have issues with it, I reinstall
3:07 PMEcchimahello o/
3:10 PMMylene C.Hi !
3:19 PMZerospoonzOk guys nice to hang again! Gonna go finalize these files for delivery
3:22 PMEcchimaok, good luck!
3:59 PMCerelianhi everyone!
4:00 PMojibwe_northwesthi
4:50 PMojibwe_northwestlater have to go
5:29 PMWolfHey Hey :)
5:29 PMWolfHow's everybody doing?
5:48 PMWolfHi =)
5:48 PMWolfWhat's up? :)
5:48 PMThePensivenessofKenzieHI!
5:49 PMThePensivenessofKenzie=having a bit of tech issues
5:53 PMWolfAww shit
5:53 PMWolfhope you'll be able to solve those quickly
5:55 PMWolfWere you able to fix it? :)
5:56 PMThePensivenessofKenziecrossing my fingers!
5:56 PMThePensivenessofKenzieits working now!
6:04 PMWolfYeah :) That's good
6:04 PMWolfWhat are you working on? Looking real good
6:48 PMWolfGonna drop out here
6:48 PMWolfcya :)
6:48 PMWolfhave a good one