3:03 PMrusseltgomezFor Shai-hulud!
3:03 PMrusseltgomezand hello xD
3:04 PMArcaneChromaHey! Good morning.
3:11 PMrusseltgomezSo how long have you been streaming today?
3:12 PMArcaneChromaOh, I just started like 30 minutes ago.
3:12 PMArcaneChromahow about you?
3:13 PMrusseltgomezJust started for the day, plan on going for maybe 6 hours if i can pull it off
3:13 PMArcaneChromanice, good luck
3:13 PMrusseltgomezThanks!
3:30 PMojibwe_northwesthey russell see you plugging away at the picture
3:30 PMrusseltgomezHey sup radiant!
3:30 PMrusseltgomezI feel like i spent the entire day yesterday fixing their faces
3:32 PMojibwe_northwestit looks
3:33 PMojibwe_northwestgood
3:35 PMrusseltgomezthanks dude, so what are you up to today?
3:36 PMojibwe_northwestwork, do sometime stuff at lunch the after work
3:39 PMrusseltgomezNice! have you started rigging that character yet?
3:40 PMojibwe_northwesti working on a shirt for my character and proably hair then rigging
3:40 PMojibwe_northwestdid his eyes, his gums and teeth
3:40 PMojibwe_northwestjust hair and shirt now
3:41 PMojibwe_northwestoh you add some design to the other ladies clothes cool
3:41 PMrusseltgomezNice! that's some great progress
3:41 PMrusseltgomezyeah added fur and some colours that were missing from her original design
3:41 PMojibwe_northwestdoing the finer details i see
3:41 PMrusseltgomezso it wasn't just the faces yesterday XD
3:42 PMrusseltgomezLoving the composition on that piece btw Arcane!
3:43 PMojibwe_northwestdo you like hawaiian shirts ?
3:43 PMrusseltgomezonly if they're accompanied by some bomb ass weather xD
3:44 PMojibwe_northwestim thinking when i texture tthe shirt to make it hawaiian
3:48 PMrusseltgomezthat be pretty sweet
3:48 PMrusseltgomezand daaamn Arcane
3:48 PMrusseltgomezlooked up your artstation
3:48 PMrusseltgomezyou've got some sweet art dude!
3:51 PMojibwe_northwestthanks man
3:51 PMojibwe_northwesti do a bit of everything
3:52 PMojibwe_northwestwhats his art stations
3:53 PMrusseltgomezhttps://www.artstation.com/arcanechroma
3:54 PMojibwe_northwestfound a new program i might buy
3:55 PMrusseltgomezwhat were you thinking?
3:55 PMojibwe_northwestclip studio paint
3:55 PMojibwe_northwestvector drawing
3:55 PMojibwe_northwestcan animate
3:55 PMojibwe_northwest3d model dummys for drawing
3:56 PMrusseltgomeza lot of anime/manga styled artist use that right?
3:57 PMojibwe_northwesti think so
3:58 PMojibwe_northwestits what im looking for i have to make intro videos for my characters stories
3:59 PMojibwe_northwestlove the alice in wonderland concept