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Live After effects After Effects Streams
Working on a project for Ryan
By: chrisweiher
After Effects
Finishing up a project for my friend.
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 316
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Fixing up SSB Intro Graphic
By: Sdrake2192
After Effects
Since I have been streaming Super Smash Bros. for Wii U recently, I figuredI would ... (continued)
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 201
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Chris Weiher | Streaming a Project for Ryan
By: chrisweiher
After Effects
Working on a project for my friend
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 308
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Animating an Intro Video
By: Sdrake2192
After Effects
This is the 2nd half of my Stream for animating a Motion Graphics intro for a streamer on Twitch
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 248
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Creating graphics for Intro Video
By: Sdrake2192
After Effects
This stream will be divided into 2 parts (Probably). I am devoting this half to ... (continued)
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 214
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Creating graphics for Intro Video
By: Sdrake2192
After Effects
This stream will be divided into 2 parts (Probably). I am devoting this half to ... (continued)
over 8 years ago
Total Views: 234
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